Who can apply?
Anyone who meets all of the conditions below can apply for a grant for an individual:
- All applicants must live within the geographical boundary of Hull (ie the area governed by Hull City Council).
- Applicants must have an illness, disability or infirmity (either of a physical or mental nature) and be able to provide recent medical evidence in confirmation of this.
- The applicant's household must have a low income (the Trust requires basic financial details for everyone living with the applicant. Bank account details are not required).
- The applicant must be willing to complete the Trust's application form and sign a declaration which consents to the provision of further supporting documents if/when requested to confirm the details they have provided in their application. Applicants do not have to meet with the Trustees.
What kind of items or services can be applied for?
The maximum grant considered is normally in the region of £150 to £600 per application with no minimum but is very much dependent upon the funds available to the Trustees. If larger amounts are required the Trust is often prepared to help in cases where the balance can be obtained from other sources.
Any item or service that will provide a clear benefit to the applicant's health and generally improve their quality of life can be considered for the award of a grant.
Typical examples of items requested are: household furnishings, carpets or appliances; mobility aids (for example riser/recliner chairs, specialist beds/mattresses, mobility scooters, ramps); appliances or equipment that must be modified for specialist needs (for example talking microwaves or adapted household/electrical appliances to assist those partially sighted); or other medical/nursing aids that have been recommended by a professional but that are not available from other sources. Please use the link in the Contact Us section to request further details about specific items.
The Trustees will not consider grants for items that are available via other sources, ie other funding, family assistance, Social Services or affordable by monthly payments. Nor can they consider grants that may be used to reduce or repay debts, or reimbursement for items already purchased. The Trust does not fundraise and therefore has a limited and variable income available for the award of grants which is earned by the Trust's investment portfolio.
How to apply for a grant for an individual:
Applications for a grant for an individual can only be made to the Trust by completion of an application form which can printed out from this site and completed using the guidance given in the what is required? section and the what happens next? section.
'What is required?'
To apply for a grant for an individual the Trust's application form must be completed and signed in full and should include the following before sending to the Clerk to the Trustees:
- Applications cannot be accepted without recent medical evidence.
Page 1 of the application form will require basic personal information such as name, address and contact details, and details of dependents or other people living in the household. The nature of the applicant's illness or disability must be stated and evidence of this provided which could take the form of a letter/note from a GP, an assessment letter such as from an Occupational Therapist, or some other similar documentation provided by a medical/health professional. - A quote for the item requested must be included.
Page 2 of the application form requires the details of all income and expenditure for everyone who lives with the applicant. The Trust also needs to know how the applicant intends to use the grant and how it will provide benefit to the applicant's health. The Trustees will appreciate as many details as can be provided and as a minimum the cost of the item should be clearly stated. - The Trustees will often require a letter from a professional giving background information which supports the application and explains why there is a physical and financial need for the item requested, and how the applicant will benefit from its provision.
Page 3 of the application form requests any other information which will support the application as well as details of any other application that may have been made to any other organisation/charity for the same item. This is particularly important when the item required by the applicant will cost more than the £600 maximum that the Hull Aid in Sickness Trust can consider. This section of the form also requests the contact details for any organisation that is willing to support (or has referred) the application. Applications can be made to the Trust directly from the individual but an application that is supported by a Social or Field Worker who works closely with the applicant will give the Trustees greater confidence when considering the application. In this case a letter should be included from the Social/Field Worker which will vouch for the applicant's needs as well as their personal, medical and financial circumstances as detailed above. - Details of who a grant cheque should be made out to must be provided.
Page 4 of the application form requests details of how a cheque should be made out if a grant is awarded (account details are not required). A cheque can be made either directly to the organisation that will provide the item/service requested, or to the organisation that is supporting the application and will therefore assist the applicant with their purchase. - A proof of purchase will be required after a grant has been awarded.
When a grant is awarded it will be on condition that a proof of purchase is returned to the Clerk as soon as possible once the item requested on the application form has been purchased.
'What happens next?'
On receipt of a completed application form for a grant for an individual, the Clerk will write to the applicant and the professional supporting the application to confirm its acceptance and the date of the next Trustees meeting at which it will be considered. If the applicant does not meet the Trust's criteria or if there is any further information which is needed to complete the Trust's details before accepting the application the Clerk will write giving full details.
Close to the date of the meeting the Clerk will contact the applicant by telephone to confirm the application details.
Grant requests can only be considered at the Trustees quarterly meetings. Grants cannot be guaranteed for approval in advance, even in cases where the applicant has received a grant award in the past. The Trust's Scheme also restricts the Trustees from considering funds which may be used for the repayment of debt.
Once the Trustees meeting has taken place, the Clerk will write to the applicant and the professional supporting the application with the outcome, along with a grant cheque if an award has been made.
The Clerk will also provide a form to sign to show that the grant cheque has been received and will request a proof of purchase for the Trust's accounting records which must be returned in accordance with the conditions of a grant award being made.
Future applications can be made by the same applicant after a period of six months has elapsed since the award of a grant but the Trustees can never guarantee the success of any future application as the same procedure and considerations must be followed for every separate funding request.